The first of this year has been no less that a whirlwind of events as per usual with the Jones household! We started off the year with a FAMILY trip to UTAH to attend Bobby & Kylie's wedding January 5th, 2010! We left Homer, Alaska & drove all the way up to Anchorage (5 hour trip) then flew to Salt Lake City, Utah (6 hour flight) . LONG trip!!! Bobby & Kylie met us at the airport and took us to the Binghams where we visited with Kylie's family. Jessica took the bus up to somewhere close and Kylie & Bobby picked her up and brought her to where we were and we had a mini reunion! First time all of us were together like that in a long time. WAS GOOD to see all my children together again.
We then went over to the Scherzinger's where we met up with Julie who graciously allowed us to stay with them for the week. Her house was like a catalog and I felt like we were staying at the ritz! The wedding was that evening at the Quirrh Mountain temple. We arrived in time to take some quick before pictures of the family in front of the temple and then proceded inside for the ceremony. The ceremony was beautiful and the only glitch was when it came time to exchange the rings.. Bobby couldn't find the wedding band, just the engagement ring. He had accidently dropped it out of his pocket in the other room. Kylie was so cute as he poked and poked both his pockets in a feeble attempt to find it and she just shook her head and sighed. He put on her finger what he had and after the guests were congratulating them..one of the patrons at the temple came hurridly into the room holding up the missing ring. It had fallen on the floor and due to it's newness was found easily as it sparkled on the floor. SO GLAD it was found, and what a cute story to add to their wedding day adventures to tell as they get older.Afterwards the Binghams ward provided a very simple and YUMMY breakfast dinner at their ward building for all the wedding guests. It was a perfect way to end a long, busy and beautiful day.
The rest of the week was spent traveling back n forth between Provo where Jessica was living and going to school. Then back n forth between the Scherzingers in Jordan where we were staying and the Binghams in Kearns (where Kylie's family lived, then on up to Kaysville where Rebecca lived(Rob's adopted sister)and Rob's mom Vivian & Ray & Sharla (Rob's brother & sister) were also staying...Rob made the equivilant of 4 round trip drives from Homer to Anchorage durring the one week we were in Utah in that blue rented Suburban driving back n forth to all the family and get togethers! The Scherzinger's family was delightful and gracious to allow us the whole bottom half of their home. They had food and games and made us feel so welcome. Bobby surely made lifelong friends with them on his mission while he served in this area and we will deffinatly stay in touch! We also took time to go shopping at the University Mall and let the girls see the book store on the BYU campus and all the handsome eye candy(boys) along the way. Wendy & Brittany got their ears pierced andRob's sister's son Christopher joined us and helped man the video cam to document the whole procedure! We drove up to Rebecca's place and played Wii , snacked and enjoyed being with Rob's side of the family in the Berrett's new house. Every night we were up late and up early each morning, trying to fit all the family and events we could into our ONE week in Utah.The reception was on Friday evening and the Binghams did a lovely job decorating the chapel. Stephen, Kylie's dad had his 4th round of Chemo treatment and arrived back in time to catch his breath and be there for the reception. He looked a bit under the weather but we are glad he was with us and doing as well as could be expected. He will have one more chemo treatment and then see how well the cancer is contained, if not then its onto bone marrow transplate surgery. We are praying its contained and he'll be well enough to join us up in Alaska for the Open house for Bobby & Kylie in May.
The morning after the recpetion we joined Bobby & Kylie at the Binghams where they opened their wedding gifts and we oooowwed and aaaahed! Then we drove up together to Kaysville where Rebecca had a BIRTHDAY party for Vivian and the family that was there. The kids played more Wii and the rest of us eat and visited. Then we headed up to Logan where the NEWLY WEDS appartment was and helped unload all the gifts to their cute little basement appartment under an old farm house up on a hill. It was dark when we passed through Logan but from what we could see it was very quaint! We then went to Chili's for dinner then back to the Scherzingers to sleep one last night. The last day we went Temple Square with Bobby & Kylie and viewed the Christous statue inside the visitor's center. It had been 23 years since I had been there and was neat to have all my 5 children & new daughter in law with me & Rob there together. We took TONS of pictures but here are a few to see our crazy-g0-nuts FAMILY trip to UTAH for Bobby & Kylie's wedding. WHAT A WEEK!
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