Welcome and Enjoy the ride!

Life is about the “Adventure”…that envelopes the simplicity of line, color, perspective and balance…all wrapped up in the emotions of life, that motivate us to change, be more than we are and inspire us and others to make the journey worthwhile, no matter where we end up.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

She did it Again!

Wendy auditioned for Borough Honor Choir and All Sate Choir along with Northwestern Choir. She MADE it into Honor Choir and performed this evening,..singing 6 songs in 4 different languages (English, Swaheelee, Hebrew, Spanish) singing under a guest director from New York. We were very proud of her! Then she informed us that she made it into ALL STATE CHOIR! (*we wont know about her status of the Northwestern Choir for another month or so)
Here is a picture of her happy smile AFTER the concert was over.
CONGRATS WENDY BIRD...we LOVE to hear you sing!

1 comment:

The Wes Gordon Family said...

Not fair, gorgeous AND talented... she is stunning!

SMOOCH! Love you sweet one!